• NXP-S32K39-MCU-vehicle-electrification

    Electronics Manufacturing News

    New component auto align option from VJ Electronix; Solder robots undergo strict quality control; TCS and National Robotarium link for robotics and AI research; SIIX Corp picks Cogiscan for global digital factory; Stellantis acquires AiMotive; Cybord launches inline visual-AI electronic…

  • IEC Main

    Mapping strategies for tomorrow’s smart factory

    What will the factory of the future look like and how will it be put into action? There are manufacturing paradigms and new smart initiatives worldwide that demonstrate needs, benefits, concepts and preconditions for tomorrow’s…

  • Flex PCB Hitaltech

    New processes and trends in Electronics Manufacturing

    In a sector that has seen introverted evolution during the past 30 years, electronics manufacturing sees the emergence of new processes, with issues behind it that makes significant change to the PCB electronics industry inevitable.…

  • istock_000011382788xsmall

    MCUs for two-motor electric vehicle traction inverters

                NXP is aiming at electric vehicles traction inverters for up to two motors with its S32K39 microcontrollers. The MCUs support IGBT as well as SiC and GaN, according to…

  • LPKF main

    Designing through transmission laser welding

    Laser plastic welding is a method of bonding two or more thermoplastic components together and today’s designers and engineers can benefit from understanding transmission laser welding of plastics – particularly surrounding the concept and design…

  • Cybord

    Cybord launches inline visual-AI electronic components platform

                A solution for comprehensive electronic components analytics at the early stages of production has been demonstrated by Cybord utilizing top and bottom inspection of the components, visual-AI, and big…

  • Goepel main

    Eliminating access problems in assembly development

    There are considerations in electronic assembly design which apply at the development phase for test points to be put in place by designers of printed circuit boards. New test technologies are helping overcome some of…

  • Mentor main

    Mandating material control

    Emerging European models to retain competitiveness sees Industry 4.0 as Germany’s newest drive to build industrial strength. One of the key principles behind it is flexibility of planning, to be able to quickly adjust production…

  • Manufacturing_11Nov13_Bfeat

    Safeguarding electronics

    Insights into the battle against counterfeit semiconductor products, which is vital to ensuring safety and control in electronics manufacturing. As with every type of product, ranging from jewelry to wine to currency, semiconductor products can…

  • Selective soldering

    Selective soldering in an optimized nitrogen atmosphere

    In PCB circuit assemblies the trend is moving to more SMD components with finer pitch connections. The majority of the assemblies still have a small amount of through hole (THT) components. Some of them cannot…